Business Technology and Security

Important IT Policies Every Business Should Have

Protecting your business from virtual threats is becoming more complex by the day. If you want the best chances to avoid a data breach, you not only need proper security programs for your computer networks, but also policies and training procedures that will teach your employees how to behave in a safe and responsible manner when using your resources.

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Is It Time to Update Your Small Business Technology?

Every business owner knows that efficient and productive operations rely not only on skilled and dedicated workers, but also on the tools they have at their disposal. In this day and age, tools refer to technology and businesses that want to remain competitive have to be vigilant about keeping their tools up-to-date.

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A History of IT Outsourcing

Most businesses outsource all kinds of activities, from bookkeeping and accounting, to customer service, to materials supply, to shipping. There are several reasons to outsource. For one, keeping a full-time staff for rarely needed services is an inefficient use of funds. In addition, many companies simply can’t compete for top talent, so it’s easier to outsource to professional firms that can provide needed resources and specialists.

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Benefits of Outsourcing Security for Your Business

Modern businesses understand the need for security, not only in the traditional sense of securing a work facility, but also in the technological sense of securing computer networks. With data breaches more common than building break-ins these days, companies have much different security concerns than in generations past.

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How to Kickstart Your Career in Network Engineering

There are so many potential jobs available in computer fields these days that it can be difficult to decide if you want work in computer networks or IT support, just for example. However, if you find that designing network architecture and implementing system plans fascinates and thrills you, a career in network engineering is probably the way to go.

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How to Select the Right IT Outsourcing Partner

Finding the right third-party IT support provider to partner with can make any business owner’s job easier. Most businesses struggle to keep up with technological advances and stave off threats like data breaches. The support and guidance offered by reputable and experienced IT professionals can alleviate worries and ensure network and computer security that helps to protect companies and their customers.

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5 Essential Tips for Better Network Security

If you listen to people in the know, it’s not a matter of if your company will be the victim of a data breach, but when. Not only are most businesses (both large and small) woefully under-protected when it comes to system security, but hackers are finding more and more sophisticated ways to break in all the time.

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