Business Technology and Security

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4 Signs Your Company Needs Help From an IT Professional Service Company

Nowadays, it is hard for your business to succeed if you do not embrace technology. This is because technology is becoming part and parcel of efficient business operations. With the increased use of more technology, there will come that time when you need to seek assistance from an IT professional company. Below are some of the signs that your business needs helps from a managed IT services provider.

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6 Ways Your Company Data Could Be At Risk

The recent Amazon data breach news has intrigued many businesses, especially small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to assess their own exposure towards data breach. As a small business owner, you are likely to think: “if such a big business as Amazon is exposed to data breach, how about mine?” Although this thought can pressure any business owner or manager, it is important to know that there are signs that one can identify indicating that your company data could be at risk so that you are in a better position of stopping the damage from occurring. With the assistance of a managed IT services provider, you can identify a solution.

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7 Essential Reasons You Should Store Your Business Data In the Cloud

Dropbox, Google Drive, and even the Google Chromebook laptops, are just some of the latest developments in the world of cloud computing technology. In reality, the use of a cloud is growing in popularity for many reasons. People are starting to use the cloud regularly these days even on their smartphones. And for businesses, utilizing cloud computing tech can make a huge difference. Here are some reasons why business, regardless of size should turn to this type of technology.

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The Top 6 Technology Innovations for Education

Technology is causing massive changes in all sectors of the economy. These changes have been felt in the health sector, financial world, entertainment, and even government. The good news is that these changes will make the world a better place! One of the key sectors that has been affected by this disruption is education. These innovations are giving classrooms a new look and have changed the ways in which lessons are conducted. Here are the top six technology innovations that are causing major changes in education.

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How to Kickstart Your Career in Network Engineering

There are so many potential jobs available in computer fields these days that it can be difficult to decide if you want work in computer networks or IT support, just for example. However, if you find that designing network architecture and implementing system plans fascinates and thrills you, a career in network engineering is probably the way to go.

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