How we use AI and Deep Learning to Protect your Business
Deep Learning is a type of artificial intelligence.
The goal of AI is to mimic the human brain.
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The goal of AI is to mimic the human brain.
We all have employees that have made mistakes at one time or another. Maybe they had an overwhelming schedule that caused them to slip up, or maybe they simply typed in an email address incorrectly and hit send. No matter what the cause, employees are human, they make mistakes, and they are being TARGETED.
There are many occurrences that could disrupt your business, leading to loss of revenue and possibly additional, unplanned expenses. The biggest concern for many businesses used to revolve around inclement weather or natural disasters.
Our security analyst recently shared this at our Lexington Team Huddle, which makes for a good information to know if you want to create a strong PIN code. This content is from a blog post by DataGenetics. If you love statics, you must read the entire post, PIN number analysis (datagenetics.com); it's fantastic.
By 2019, it was expected that the managed services market would hit $170 billion worldwide. These managed services particularly focus on technical support for businesses. Where business owners really want to focus in 2021 is cyber security. This is in part because more businesses have been pushed to rely on remote workforces in light of the pandemic, and have recognized that there will be benefits to keeping that remote workforce for the long term.
There are many reasons why many major businesses have transitioned to different types of cloud computing. The cloud offers a great deal of flexibility for companies, allowing them to access programs remotely and maintain a great deal of storage. However, it’s not a foolproof system. Information can be corrupted, programs can crash, and perhaps most concerning, security threats can compromise crucial information.
Anyone who starts a business is familiar with the concept of a business plan. This essential document is required to gain funding and shift a business from a bare-bones idea to a real-world operation. However, the business plan is just a starting point. If you want a business to remain open and operational, continuity planning is necessary.
The concept of cloud computing appears omnipresent in our modern world as we rely on on-demand computing to manage our digital lives across multiple devices – mobiles, tablets, laptops, and so on – while at home, in the office, or on the move. This article introduces the key component in cloud computing and the servers that underpin each service and provide the computing resources, as well as describing how they provide some of cloud computing’s most notable benefits.
Most business owners understand the need for professional IT support staff. Computer networks and online operations have become essential factors in running a modern business, and these technologies require advanced support for the purposes of productivity and security.
Operating in the online arena is a must for businesses looking to remain competitive. Unfortunately, the costs associated with computer and network security is untenable for some small businesses.