Business Technology and Security

Insights for Implementing Reliable Customer-Related Escalation Management

Regardless of how much time your company puts into service or product development, it’s virtually impossible to please all clients always. Your company will certainly have to address customer complaints and answer their questions at one time or another. You should thus ask yourself whether you will have the right answers for these customers when they call. It’s important to be prepared because they’ll need you to answer to their concerns so that they can make their repairs.

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Data Security Management For Business: 3 Tips

Data security management for business is important to protect both your company and your clients. Whether you are storing medical and healthcare data or customer financial information, in today’s world no data is safe from unscrupulous individuals or organizations. At least, not without solid data security management, that is. Keep reading for more information on how you can beef up your cyber security and protect your most valuable asset – your data.

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The Ample Benefits of Cloud Storage

Cloud storage has become one of the best ways to save and store data for businesses throughout the country. Whether you’re running a large business or starting a small business for the first time, cloud computing offers the best in disaster recovery and easy access to all your important files.

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Swing into Security at Topgolf Fishers

The AME Group will be partnering with Fortinet, the world’s leader in cybersecurity, to host a free lunch event at Topgolf Fishers on April 24th, 2019. This is the perfect opportunity to learn more about network security threats in 2019, while enjoying some complementary food and indoor golf. Space is very limited, so click here to register:

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