Business Technology and Security

Posts about:

Office 365

Having that Difficult Conversation with your Family

The reality of working from home goes beyond business collaboration adjustments and the technical and workspace setup. The people who share your workspace also need to adjust to your new working arrangement. Suddenly working from home can inadvertently cause friction, aggravation, and even embarrassment during the workday. The best way to manage these situations is to get ahead of them and have an open, two-way conversation about needs and expectations.

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How to Engage your Unmotivated Users

As far as software is concerned, it’s safe to say that change is the new normal.
Unfortunately, if there’s one thing people are bad at, it’s—you guessed it—change. You can have the best technology in the world, but if your users aren’t willing to change along with it, your investment may end up sitting on the shelf.


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Now is the Time for Success with a Remote Workforce

Prepare your users now so you can more quickly recover from the impact of COVID-19.

Learn how to have effective virtual meetings


Master file sharing and online collaboration


The skills learned today will carry forward to allow more flexibility and productivity under many circumstances that impact your business continuity.

Contact Us today to set up your staff on an innovative learning platform.

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