Business Technology and Security

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Now is the Time for Success with a Remote Workforce

Prepare your users now so you can more quickly recover from the impact of COVID-19.

Learn how to have effective virtual meetings


Master file sharing and online collaboration


The skills learned today will carry forward to allow more flexibility and productivity under many circumstances that impact your business continuity.

Contact Us today to set up your staff on an innovative learning platform.

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Working From Home Security Risks and Tips

We are all impacted by COVID-19 and businesses are responding by keeping their “doors open” virtually by moving to online sales and using a remote workforce.
Our Chief Information Security Officer, Joe Danaher, has some great tips to make sure your remote workers keep your business safe from cyberattacks.  Joe has spent his IT career navigating HIPAA security compliance and in the past 6-7 years, as the threats from hackers have evolved, staying 1 step ahead.


What is a VPN and how do companies use them for remote workers?

VPN stands for Virtual Private Network and is the safest remote connection.  It creates an encrypted tunnel between your remote device and the servers and files at work.  Windows 10 and Mac OSX have built-in VPN setup capabilities, however, you need a VPN service based on your type of business servers.  This is a nice step-by-step article recently published by CNET regarding how-to for Windows:

Joe Danaher, CISO

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