Now is the Time for Success with a Remote Workforce
Prepare your users now so you can more quickly recover from the impact of COVID-19.
Learn how to have effective virtual meetingsMaster file sharing and online collaboration
The skills learned today will carry forward to allow more flexibility and productivity under many circumstances that impact your business continuity.
Contact Us today to set up your staff on an innovative learning platform.
Contact Us today to set up your staff on an innovative learning platform.

We offer a personalized approach to learning. Each user creates a profile to identify their experience with Microsoft applications and their job characteristics, such as travel, work locations, involvement in management, activities, and type of devices used.
An individualized Skill Path makes it easy to access and complete training relevant to the user. Assigned courses with due dates and feedback on progress helps the user navigate their learning.
Long courses are difficult to add to your day and hard to take in. Course videos are “bite-sized” and QuickStart Cards provide tips and tricks at your fingertips.
Productivity You Can Measure
Management receives reports that include how the user felt the training impacted their skill level.