Business Technology and Security

Who is guarding the gatekeepers?

This is a timeless concept from roman times, passed down in popular culture, and can be applied to your business security plan. Companies of even modest size and complexity rely on some form of IT to support their computer systems and data. Although, most companies trust their IT department or Managed Services Provider to include security as a baseline component of their work, how do you verify your IT security is dong what you THINK it is doing? A Vulnerability Assessment is a valuable tool.

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Sites are hacked every day.

  •   There is an attack every 39 seconds (Security Magazine)
  • Hackers steal 75 records every second (Breach Level Index)
  • More than 23 million people use the password ‘123456’ (National Cyber Security Centre)
  • Traditional firewall and antivirus security is irrelevant and obsolete (
  • Hackers create 300,000 new pieces of malware daily (McAfee)
  • On average 30,000 new websites are hacked every day (Forbes)
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CMMC: You Might Not Realize the Impact on Your Business

Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC)

The CMMC started within the Department of Defense (DoD) to reduce the theft of military intelligence, but as expected, it doesn’t look like it will be long before it spreads to other sectors. There’s interest in amending Sarbanes-Oxley to include CMMC, which will impact the financial sector.  Don’t fear this is just an additional burden – the CMMC model is set up to be clearer and easier to implement.  Standardization in security compliance is a win for businesses trying to juggle multiple requirements.

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