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6 Surefire Ways of Improving Cloud Security

Written by The AME Group | Jan 28, 2020 5:13:40 PM

In 2018, a meager 72% of Information Technology (IT) companies offered disaster recovery services. More than ever before, businesses today have a lot of highly-sensitive cloud-stored data. Although some companies have on-premise servers, outsourcing IT services is more beneficial. One of the advantages is that outsourcing IT is cheaper. Moreover, outsourcing IT services means leaving the job to experts.

The different types of cloud computing today do a good job in terms of data protection. Even so, such technology solutions for business can’t protect data that’s interacting with other systems. Note that such interactions happen daily whenever employees transfer, download, and access data. Also, your employees will sometimes access the data from different devices. Rarely will cloud storage pose security threats — humans are the real source of network security threats. This means that employee errors can put your cloud data security at risk. Such errors include insecure Wi-Fi connections, resentful employees, stolen logins, and unintended deletions. However, there are several ways to help keep your data safe.

1. Two-Factor Authentication

Stolen login credentials are among the primary methods hackers use when robbing data. The customary use of usernames and passwords is somewhat insufficient nowadays. After a hacker gets his/her hands on such credentials, accessing your cloud storage becomes easy. Such unauthorized access can interfere with cloud-based services and applications used in running your business.

Instead of letting this happen, why not shield yourself with two-factor authentication (TFA)? Also known as multi-factor authentication, TFA only allows authorized persons to access your data. This is an effective and affordable means of locking out unauthorized personnel. Failure to use TFA is what most security experts consider the highest level of negligence.

2. Use Access Management

Not every employee needs access to all pieces of information. It’s for this reason that setting-up authorization levels becomes important. Doing so makes sure that every employee only accesses what’s needed to do their job. Thanks to access rights, no employee can edit unauthorized information. This also doubles up as a way of keeping at bay hackers who might have stolen employee credentials. Imagine a hacker tricking an employee with access to all your information? This would mean all your sensitive information falling in the wrong hands. No need to worry if you don’t know how to go about this; outsourcing IT to qualified companies will help you get started.

3. Detect Intruders Using Automated Solutions

Monitoring and analyzing user activities in real-time helps in noticing unusual patterns. A good example is attempted login from a foreign device or IP address. Such anomalies will in most cases be the result of a system breach. This means that you will always be one step ahead of the hacker. With such an advantage, you’ll have ample time to seal all loopholes that could cause damage.

4. Protection against Former Employees

The last thing you want is a former employee accessing data like intellectual properties and client information. Such data can put your company at a disadvantage should it reach a competitor. Therefore, having an off-boarding process that revokes the access rights of a former employee is wise.

5. Regular Anti-phishing Employee Training

Social media spying, website spoofing, and phishing are serious network security threats. With such social engineering techniques, hackers can steal login credentials and access sensitive data. To avoid such scams, employee training will help safeguard data. Note that phishing training is an ongoing process considering the new threats that keep emerging.

6. Cloud to Cloud Back-Up

The majority of cloud storage service providers don’t store deleted data for long. This can affect companies operating under tight rules and regulations. In fact, corrupted or missing data can become a court case. Fortunately, cloud to cloud backup helps avoid such issues. Always ask how long your preferred cloud provider stores deleted data. Moreover, find out if the restoration of deleted data comes at a fee. If what they have to offer isn’t satisfactory, cloud to cloud backup is what you need.

Improving cloud security is among the best decisions you can ever make. With these tips, you have what it takes to get started. Outsourcing IT will also go a long way in ensuring that you get the best results in IT.