Blog | The AME Group

5 Data Security Management Tips You Should Know

Written by The AME Group | Jul 11, 2017 1:20:39 PM

Every few months, there is another breaking news story about a massive data breach.

Sometimes it seems like no organization or corporation is safe. Last year, Yahoo confirmed a data breach of roughly 500 million user accounts.

Even the United States government security clearance system was susceptible to a cyber-attack. Two years ago, hackers obtained Personally Identifiable Information (PII) of nearly 22 million federal employees and contractors.

Major international corporations like Home Depot, Target, and Sony have all been the victim of massive data breaches.

In this hazardous cyber environment, data security management is integral to organizational success.

Here, we’ll share the top 5 ways to improve the security of your data.

An Engaged Workforce is the Key to Data Security Management

The old adage that you are only as good as your worst employee rings especially true when it comes to cyber security.

Your organization may have the best network security and data management processes in the industry. However, a single employee could leave it vulnerable.

Ensure that you dedicate enough times and resources to training and raising awareness about the latest cyber threats. Employees that know how to identify and respond to a spear phishing attack could make all the difference.

It is critical to create a culture in which all employees are engaged and emphasizing data security.

Invest in the Right Cyber Security Solutions

While culture is certainly of paramount importance, your company still needs the proper hardware and software solutions.

Research the best networking devices for data security. Firewalls, password protection, and encryption protocols should all be in place.

If you elect to have a guest network, make sure that it is separate from the secure internal network.

Anti-virus software should be installed on all devices that connect to the network. Additionally, regular scans should be performed to detect and remove any hostile computer viruses.

Have a Plan B in Case of a Breach

If the United States government can be hacked, your organization is obviously at risk as well.

Critical data must be adequately backed up, preferably at both onsite and offsite locations. Test your company’s cloud-based solutions and other backup methods to ensure they work properly.

Preparation for a worst-case scenario is an important data security management task.

Bring in a Data Security Professional

Does the level of effort and risk of a breach seem overwhelming?

If you are serious about protecting your organization, the best course of action may be to hire a data security manager.

With a professional on board, you can rest assured that your organization will have adequate hardware, software, and training in place.

Be Leery of Loose BYOD Policies

Allowing your employees to utilize personal devices to access the network may leave your organization vulnerable to a cyber-attack.

If you do elect to implement a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy, these devices must follow the same cyber security processes as company assets.

Even then, personal devices are harder to track, maintain, and verify software is kept up-to-date.

Remain Vigilant and Prioritize Data Security Management

Clearly, data security is a legitimate organizational risk and warrants serious attention. In closing, ensure you dedicate the time and resources to keeping your company’s data secure.

If you have any questions about data security, reach out to us to find out what we can do to help your company achieve its cyber security goals.