Blog | The AME Group

4 Signs Your Business Needs a Network Assessment

Written by The AME Group | Mar 21, 2018 12:31:40 AM

When your website is slow, down, or has its security compromised, you’re not only losing serious profits.

You’re also losing consumer trust.

If it’s been a while since you’ve evaluated your current network, chances are, there are probably already lots of issues that you’re not even aware of.

You could be leaving customers’ sensitive information vulnerable, or you could be dropping in search engine rankings because of poor site and network performance.

Is it time for a network assessment?

Read on to find out when is.

1. You’ve Already Been Hacked

There’s nothing that will convince you of the importance of a network assessment better than being hacked in the first place.

While you’ve certainly learned your lesson that prevention is the best cure, you also need to be sure that the potential threats have actually been fully eliminated.

It’s incredibly easy for hackers to hide other surveillance tactics within your network, or even to reinfect you quickly afterward, knowing you’re still vulnerable.

2. You’re Due For An Audit

Auditing and compliance testing is a serious — and usually, nerve-wracking — part of a variety of industries.

In fact, even if you think you’re doing everything to keep customer and company information safe, you can still be held responsible if there are problems you weren’t aware of.

A network assessment is a perfect way to make it clear to auditors that you’re taking site and overall security seriously. It will also offer proof of compliance if requested by a parent company or regulator.

3. Your Business Is Growing

So, business is booming — congratulations!

However, we can guarantee that you won’t be celebrating for long if you’re trying to expand and meet the needs of a larger market still using the resources offered by a small, outdated network.

An assessment will help you to evaluate your current network size, and fill in the gaps when it comes to serving your current market. It will also prevent loss of site uptime and ensure that your network can handle its new heavy influx of traffic and data.

4. Things Are Moving Slowly

Feel like you spend half of your time online waiting for forms to submit or pages to load?

Do you often get calls from coworkers or even clients, complaining about usability and functionality issues on your website?

If so, then you definitely need an assessment.

This will ensure that you have the proper amount of bandwidth actually needed for your site, detect and eliminate threats that are causing slow speeds, and ensure that your server is still running smoothly.

Need A Professional Network Assessment?

Thanks to this post, you now know the four major signs and scenarios that indicate the need for a network assessment.

No matter the industry you’re in — whether healthcare, education, business, or even manufacturing — you owe it to yourself and your clients to ensure that your network is running well.

Need a professional assessment to help you figure it all out?

We can help.

Get in touch with us today to learn about some of the many ways in which we can improve your website and help you to increase your conversions.